The interactive map of castles near Salzburg offers a fascinating insight into medieval history. While exploring the map, users can switch between the different centuries, from the 9th to the 16th century, to see when the individual castles were built. This function provides a chronological understanding of the construction and development of castles in the region. The change to the 21st century offers a current perspective and shows which castles have survived the test of time and remained intact and which have fallen into ruin. This not only highlights the lasting legacy of these historic buildings, but also provides an insight into their current state of preservation.
The data is not complete. The leaflet map was created for academic purposes. No responsibility is taken for the accuracy of the data.
© data: © OpenStreetMap, symbols: © Gernot Nikolaus,
parchment background sprites: brgfx (Freepik),
roads: McCormick, M. et al. 2013. "Roman Road Network (version 2008)